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Test z kategorii Języki - angielski

  • Zakres wiedzy - poziom średnio zaawansowany
  • Odpowiedz na pytania lub po prostu wskaż słowo które jest tłumaczeniem zadanego w pytaniu słowa
formal a job, especially an important or well-paid one

when new or better products are designed and developed, or the new or better product itself

the prices of a company's products or services in relation to each other and in relation to those of their competitors, and the activity of setting them

the work of planning and making a new product, including how it works, what it looks like, etc.

a series of actions taken to perform a particular task or achieve a particular result

official discussion between groups who are trying to reach an agreement

a website that helps you find other websites, or the website that you go to first in order to get to other content

the process of making or growing things to be sold as products, usually in large quantities

a relationship between two people, organisations, or countries that work together

a type of product that a company makes or sells that has several different sizes, models, etc. = range

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