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159 str KOLOKWIUM 21.01.2021

zawartość 67   
kategoria Jezyki  angielski
poziom średnio zaawansowany
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relating to a sales promotion


an event that is intended to advertise a product, company, brand, etc.

promotional event

something a company is willing to give to someone or do for someone as a way of raising the sales of a product, service, etc.

promotional offer

a plan or idea which is suggested formally to an official person, or when this is done


to suggest something such as a plan or course of action


to give information about something to the public, so that they know about it


an examination that you have passed at school, university or in your profession


a skill, personal quality or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job


the process of making sure that an organisation's goods and services are produced and sold as planned and designed, and are of the right quality

quality control

the part of a business concerned with studying new ideas and planning new products

R and D research and development

the department in a company responsible for developing new products, improving existing products, etc.

R and D research and development

to make people consider a question, etc., for example by beginning to talk or write about it

raise = bring up

to speak or shout more loudly, especially because you are angry

raise your voice

increase the amount or level of something


to collect the money, capital, etc. that is needed to do something


a set of similar products made by a particular company or available in a particular shop

range = product range

to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject


to say that something or someone would be a good thing or person to choose


official advice given to someone about what to do


a suggestion that someone should choose a particular thing or person because they are very good or suitable


to find new people to work for an organisation, do a job, etc.


the process or the business of recruiting new people


an occassion when someone is recruited


a letter written by someone who know you well. usually to a new employer, giving information about your character, abilities or qualifications


a person who provides information about your character, abilities or qualifications when you are trying to get a job

reference = referee

an official rule or order


to borrow money by having a second or bigger mortgage on your property, especially a house


to work under someone's authority, and to be managed by them

report to

something that an official organisation says a company or person must have or do


something that someone needs or wants


the process in which a company or organisation changes the way it is organised or financed


the sale of goods to customers for their own use, rather than to shops, etc.


the selling of goods or services to members of the public, or companies involved in this

retail trade/market business

a shop, etc. that is open to members of the public

retail shop/outlet/store

a business that sells goods to members of the public, rather than to shops, etc.


someone who owns or runs a shop selling goods to members of the public


money that a business or organisation receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or services


something that you receive because you have done something good or helpful


money that you earn for doing a job or providing a service


to give someone something, such as money, because they have done something good or helpful


to increase in number, amount or value

rise rose risen

the possibility that something may be lost, harmed or damaged, or that something bad, unpleasant or dangerous may happen


put something in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed or harmed


the way in which someone or something is involved in an activity or situation, and how much influence they have on it


to control or be in charge of an organisation, company or system


to be doing everything later than planned or expected

be running late

to print something in a newspaper or magazine, or broadcast something on television


money that you receive as payment from the organisation you work for, usually paid to you every month


the act of selling someone property, food or other goods


the total number of products that a company sells during a particular period of time


the part of a company that deals with selling products


a calculation of how much of a product company expects to sell in the future

projected sales

a small amount of a product that people can use or look at in order to find out what it is like


the act of keeping money to use later rather than spending it


an amount of something that you have not used or spent, especially compared with a larger amount that you could have used or spent


money that is kept in a bank to be used later or invested, rather than spent


all the organisations or companies in a particular area of activity, industry, etc.


someone who is able to work successfully on their own without needing other people's help or a lot of instructions

self starter

a particular type of help or work that is proviced by a business to customers, but not one that involves producing goods


repairs and advice given to a customer by a company after the customer has bought a product from the company

after-sales service

the business activity of giving advice about investments and selling investments to people and organisations

financial service

one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided


the price of a particular company's shares at a particular time

share price

an ability to do something well, especially because you have learnt and practised it


the ability to express yourself in a way that other people will understand, including the words you use and the way you behave when you are speaking

communication skills

the ability to use computers and the internet effectively

digital skills

an ability to do something practical that you have learnt and practised, for example reading, using a computer, or being able to do maths

hard skill

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