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Test z kategorii Języki - angielski

  • Zakres wiedzy - poziom podstawowy
  • Odpowiedz na pytania lub po prostu wskaż słowo które jest tłumaczeniem zadanego w pytaniu słowa
country that is in the process of developing its industries, businesses and financial systems

a particular country, area or group of people to which company sells or hopes to sell its goods or services

learning that involves using smartphones and small computers that you carry with you

a business activity that involves collecting information about what goods people in a particular area buy, why they buy them, etc.

the measured amount of something that exists at a particular time or in a particular place

the activity of deciding how to advertise and sell a product or service that is basen on interactions with customers, for example looking at a customer's internet searches, getting feedback from customers, etc.

a design or way of writing its name that a company or organisation uses as its official sign on its products. advertising, etc.

an occasion when two or more companies, organisations, etc. join together to form a larger company, etc.

to buy shares, bonds, property, etc. in order to make a profit

the percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has

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