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Test z kategorii Języki - angielski

  • Zakres wiedzy - poziom podstawowy
  • Odpowiedz na pytania lub po prostu wskaż słowo które jest tłumaczeniem zadanego w pytaniu słowa
the effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on someone or something

when something increases or is increased in size, amount or number

to pay someone to work for you

things that are produced in order to be used or sold

to go down to a lower price, level, amount, etc.

the purpose for which something is made or used, or the job that someone does = role

someone who helps a group of people discuss things with each other or do something effectively

a company that is not owned by another, larger company, and that has a small number of employees. In european countries, companies must have fewer than 250 employees to be called a medium-sized enterprise, and fewer than 50 employees to be called a small

affectingor involving the whole world

fashionable and often inexpensive clothing that is made quickly after being designed, and which often does not stay in the shops for a long time

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