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Test z kategorii Języki - angielski

  • Zakres wiedzy - poziom podstawowy
  • Odpowiedz na pytania lub po prostu wskaż słowo które jest tłumaczeniem zadanego w pytaniu słowa
a machine, piece of equipment, or method that is new and that is likely to have a strong influence on society, a field of study, etc

a formal written promise to repair or replace a product, if it has a fault, within a specific period of time after you buy it

the department in an organisation that deals with employing, training and helping employees

special skills or knowledge in an area of work or study

morally good or correct

things that are produced in order to be used or sold

to agree to give someone a permanent job

a country that is in the process of developing its industries, businesses and financial systems

to gradually get more of a useful or valuable quality, skill, etc.

an increase in size, amount or degree

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