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Test z kategorii Języki - angielski

  • Zakres wiedzy - poziom podstawowy
  • Odpowiedz na pytania lub po prostu wskaż słowo które jest tłumaczeniem zadanego w pytaniu słowa
"a sector of a brand which consists with perfumes"

an increase in size, amount or degree

when customers are interested in a product or company and feel that they have a connection or relationship with that company

to use the same brand name for a new type of goods that is similar in some wat to the original goods sold under the brand name

someone, especially someone famous, whom a company pays to use their products and make people more aware of the brand, for example whether they think it is good or poor quality, cheap or expensive, fashionable or old-fashioned. etc.

the business that makes the most money for a company and that is considered to be its most important and central one

the degree to which people know about a particular brand

if a company or investor ventures into an area of business or investment, they become ivolved in it for the first time

a person or organisation that buys goods or services from a shop or company

relating to something that is most important to a person, company, etc.

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