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Oral Communication part 5 concored erros

zawartość 22   
kategoria Jezyki  angielski
poziom zaawansowany
zobacz inne zestawy i paczki
fiszki w tej paczce

kraje i miasta

nie: the Czech Republic are next to Poland. The United States of America are a country. Gliwice are where war began.

tak: the Czech Republic is next to Poland. The United States of America are a country. Gliwice is where war began.

przedmioty w liczbie mnogiej w języku pl

nie: One door are painted. Christmas are coming. His mouth are moving. Hair are beautiful. Everybody/Everyone are here.

tak: One door is painted. Christmas is coming. His mouth is moving. Hair is beautiful. Everybody/Everyone is here.

przedmioty w liczbie mnogiej cz.2

nie: I have money, but I spend them. Take care of your hair, comb them.

tak: I have money, but I spend it. Take care of you hair, comb it.

przedmioty w liczbie mnogiej cz.3

nie: What buy with these money?

tak: What buy with the/this/that money?


nie: Lock the doors.

tak: Lock the door


nie: I wait for vacations.

tak: I wait for vacation

.: Holidays is used in plurar: Wait for holidays


nie: Two hundreds horses.

tak: Two hundred horses

.: Can be used when there is no exact amount: Tousands of protesters took to the streets.


nie: My cat is one and a half year old. I'll be there in one and a half hour.

tak: My cat is one and a half years old. I'll be there in one and a half hours.

.: and and a half year is an adjective: My one-and-a-half-year-old cat likes mice. After a one-and-a-half-hour wait, we gave up.


nie: two-years-old children. Twenty-two-years-old woman,

tak: Two-year-old children. Twenty-tow-year-old woman.

.: year is plural whe referring to age: Jane is twenty-two years old

gumy (do żucia)

nie: I like chewing gums

tak: I like chewing gum.

.: Gums - dziąsła. Jedna guma - a stick of gum, a piece of gum. Plural gum: two sticks of gum, five pieces of gum, pack of gum


nie: There are a lot of gossips about that teacher.

tak: There is a lot of gossip bout that teacher

.: gossips - many gossip people: The gossips will have fun.


nie: The accident caused damages

tak: The accident caused damage

.: damages is used as: People sue for damages (odszkodowanie za szkody). Someone sues you for damages


nie: Comb your hairs.

tak: Comb your hair

.: hairs only when we know the number: There are several hairs in my soups. My oncle is so bald he has three hairs left


nie: There are informations

tak: That is iformation/ bit of information/ piece of information. Those are bits of information/ pieces of information


nie: Offsprings walk.

tak: Offspring walk


nie: Thanks for advices

tak: Thanks for advice/ bit of advice/ bits of advice/ piece of advice/ pieces of advice.


nie: Wife brought shoppings

tak: Wife brought shopping


nie: There is a number o horses.

tak: There are a number of horses


nie: There is a lot of advantages. There is many reasons.

tak: There are a lot of advantages. There are many reasons


nie: The majority of people is very friendly

tak: The majority of people are very friednly.


nie: Onyl a few of us is ready.

tak: Only a few of us are ready


nie: the minority of citizens was from Africa

tak: the minority of citizens is from Africa

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