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Bitechnologia ogólna

czasowniki z zastosowaniem

zawartość 49   
kategoria Jezyki  angielski
poziom podstawowy
zobacz inne zestawy i paczki
fiszki w tej paczce

to allow- pozwalć

We allow eating/ He allows some mistekes/ I allow you to go

to apply - stosować, używać

Apply some liquid to the surface/ The theory doesen't apply here

to aggregate - zbierać

Bacteria aggregate closely to mimic multicellular organisms

to affect- wpływać

Your health affects your life/ The bacteria were affected by the change in temperature

to analyse - anlizować

A lab worker is analysing some blood samples

to activate- aktywować

Protein activate stomach acid

to be able to - być w stanie

Some bacteria are able to survive antibacterial treatment

to be capable of- być zdolnym do

Microorganisms are capable of producing enzymes/ He is capable of murder

to be indispensable- być niezbędnym

Biotechnology is indispensable for developing our future

to bind- łączyć

The hydrogen binds the oxygen/ Oxygen binds to hemoglobine

to culture- hodować

You're not allowed to culture microorganisms in a lab

to contaminate- zatruć, zaniecyścić

Pesticides contaminated the lake/ The sample was contaminated with blood by Józek

to convert - przemieniać, przerabiać

People want to convert water into fuel/ How to convert my car to run on water?

to cause- powodować, sprawiać

Poor diet causes more diseases than inactivity

to dissolve - rozpuszczać się

Salt dissolved in water.

to diagnose- diagnozować

The doctor diagnosed her illness as flu/ She was diagnosed with cancer

to disturb - być zaburzonym, przeszkadzać

Process of blood clotting (krzepnięcie) is disturbed

to depend- zależeć

Happiness depends on many things

to develop - rozwinąć

The infection can develop on the dirty wound (brudna rana)

to digest - trawić,rozkładać

Protein is digested in duodenum by special enzymes

to decrease - zmniejszać

Inhibitors decrease the speed of reaction

to inherit- odziedziczyć

I inherit my blue eye from my mother

to inhibit - hamować

It will inhibit the action of the enzyme

to increase - zwiększać, nasilić

The intensity of the symptoms will increase during of several years

to maintain - utrzymywać

Eat properly to maintain good health

to minimise - minimalizować

Safety injections programme will minimise the risik of illnesses

to neutralize - neutralizować

Treatment will neutralize the centre of pain

to occur - wystąpić, pojawić się

Only apply treatment when symptoms occur

to obtain - uzyskać

The bacteria can obtain resistance from antibiotics

to pollute - zanieczyszczać

The factories pollute the air with smoke

to process - przetwarzać

This waste paper will be processed into toilet paper

to protect - ochronić, zabezpieczyć

Vaccines protect children against diseases/ An umbrella protects you from getting wet

to prevent - zapobiegać

Physical fitness prevents diseases/ We must prevent the disease from killing more people

to provide - zaopatrywać

Blood provides the body with oxygen/ The hospitals provide care for the sick

to preserve - zakonserwować, utrzymać

Low temperature will make it easier to preserve food

to respond - odpowiadać za coś

The nervous system responds to external simulation

to remove - usuwać

Kidneys remove waste material from your body

to screen - badać przesiewowo

They screened the population for genetic diseases

to strengthen - wzmacniać

Regular intake of vitamin C will strengthen your immunity system

to support - wspierać, pomagać, podtrzymywać

The planet's atmosphere cannot support human life/ The bones support the body

to spread - rozprzestrzniać się

The disease may spread to other people

to sustain - utrzymywać, podtrzymywać, doznać,

She sustained a head injury during the car crash/ The doctor must sustain huaman life

to store- prechowywać

The liver stores glycogen

to supply - dostarczać, zaopatrywać

Blood supplies brain with glucose,

to treat - leczyć, traktować

The cells were treated with tripsin

to transform - zmieniać się

Some substances can easily transform into diffrent forms

to undergo - przechodzić

She is currently undergoing chemotherapy

to vaccinate - szczepić

We vaccinate against infectious diseases

to weaken - osłabić

The lack of vitamins and not regular sleep can weaken your immune system

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