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zawartość | 69 |
kategoria |
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poziom | podstawowy |
absent-minded He's become so absent-minded recently. He keeps losing things. |
roztargniony |
ambitious She's extremely ambitious and intends to be running her own company by the time she's 30. |
ambitny |
amusing He's such a sociable, amusing man! |
zabawny |
arrogant I hate those arrogant people who think that they're always right about everything. |
arogancki |
bad-tempered She became bad-tempered and tearful with her husband. |
złośnik, łatwo wpadający w gniew |
boring The priest was such a boring speaker that nobody was listening to his sermon. |
nudny |
calm He stayed calm throughout the confusion. |
spokojny, opanowany |
careful Mike is a very careful worker. , |
uważny, staranny, ostrożny |
cautious Firms have been unusually cautious about hiring new workers. |
ostrożny |
cheerful You're in a very cheerful mood today. |
wesoły, pogodny |
courageous Tim is the most courageous police officer I know. |
dzielny, odważny |
cowardly He was a weak, cowardly person. |
tchórzliwy |
cruel Stop teasing him about his disability! You're being cruel! |
okrutny |
curious Young people are usually curious about the world. |
ciekawy |
determined His enemies are determined to ruin him. |
zdeterminowany, zdecydowany |
dishonest He's been dishonest in his dealings with us. |
nieuczciwy, nieszczery |
disobedient The dog never listens. It's very disobedient. |
nieposłuszny |
easy-going Thankfully, he's a very easy-going boss. |
wyrozumiały; mało wymagający |
extrovert I'm a bit of an extravert. I love going out and I'm happy to have a lot of people around me. |
ekstrawertyczny |
forgetful Her elderly mum is getting very forgetful these days. . |
zapominalski |
frank He was brought up to be frank and always tell the truth. |
szczery |
friendly Our neighbours have always been very friendly toward us. |
przyjazny |
generous It was very generous of you to lend me so much money. |
hojny, wspaniałomyślny |
grumpy The shopkeeper was a grumpy and rather unfriendly man. |
zrzędliwy |
hard-working She deserves a bit of success - she's very hard-working. |
pracowity |
honest They were poor, but honest. |
uczciwy |
impatient After months of delays, customers were getting impatient. |
niecierpliwy |
impulsive If I were you I wouldn't be so impulsive. Think before you act. |
impulsywny |
insensitive He apologized for his insensitive remarks about the homeless. |
niedelikatny, niewrażliwy |
insincere He said he was sorry, but I could tell that he was being insincere. |
nieszczery |
intolerant I'm afraid she's quite intolerant of working-class people. |
nietolerancyjny, |
introvert Cath is a typical introvert. She's not very sociable and prefers to spend time on her own, reading and painting. |
introwertyczny |
irritable I don't think he will be a good father. He's far too irritable and impatient. |
drażliwy, łatwo wpadający w złość |
jealous She became very jealous whenever he talked to other women. |
zazdrosny |
kind The kind woman took the cat in and nursed it back to health. |
dobry, dobroduszny |
lazy I'm too lazy to wash the dishes, that's why I bought a dishwasher. |
leniwy |
loyal She's a loyal friend. She's stood by me for years. |
lojalny |
mean He becomes mean when he doesn't get his way. They were too mean to put any money in the charity collection. |
1. złośliwy 2. skąpy |
moody I don't know why I get so moody sometimes. I think it must be because of the hormones. |
humorzasty |
naive She's so naive she believes in everything she sees on TV. |
naiwny |
nervous We would like to warn viewers of a nervous disposition that the following programme contains scenes of violence. |
nerwowy |
obedient I was a well-behaved and obedient child. You had to be in those days. |
posłuszny |
optimistic The government was optimistic about the future of the reform. |
optymistyczny |
patient Be patient with her - she's a small child and she needs to take her time. |
cierpliwy |
pessimistic Older voters are less satisfied with their lives and more pessimistic about the economic future. |
pesymistyczny |
possessive He's very possessive towards his wife. |
zaborczy |
proud a proud, arrogant man |
dumny |
quarrelsome I remember he had a very quarrelsome wife. |
kłótliwy |
quiet He was seen off by her quiet, middle-aged parents. |
cichy |
reliable John is very reliable - if he says he'll do something he'll do it. |
godny zaufania, niezawodny, solidny |
reserved The English have a reputation for being reserved. |
zdystansowany, powściągliwy |
rude She had been rude to her boss. |
nieuprzejmy, niegrzeczny |
self-confident At school he was popular and self-confident. |
pewny siebie |
selfish It may sound a bit selfish, but I'm really worried about what will happen to me after the company is closed. |
samolubny |
sensitive I must praise the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill. |
wrażliwy |
serious Anne realized he wasn't really arrogant, but a bit too serious in manner. |
poważny |
shy I was pretty shy at school. |
nieśmiały |
sincere I don't think the actor was being sincere when he apologized. |
szczery |
sociable Being a sociable person, Ella loved going out. |
towarzyski |
stubborn He accused her of being a silly, stubborn old woman. |
uparty |
tactful It was very tactful of you not to mention her weight. |
taktowny |
talkative The talkative taxi driver was a nightmare. |
gadatliwy |
thrifty My grandpa has always been very thrifty. He never treats himself to anything. |
oszczędny |
tolerant a more tolerant attitude towards other religions |
tolerancyjny |
unfriendly I'm not being unfriendly. I'm just not in a mood for talking. |
nieprzyjazny, niemiły |
unkind It was unkind of you to criticize her. |
nieżyczliwy |
unreliable I wouldn't trust him at all. He's never been very reliable. |
niesolidny, niegodny zaufania |
vain If you flatter him too much, you'll make him vain. |
próżny |
vindictive Her remarks were vindictive and personalized. |
mściwy |
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