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Crime and punishment

zawartość 62   
kategoria Jezyki  polski
poziom podstawowy
zobacz inne zestawy i paczki
fiszki w tej paczce

abuse /n/, /v/

He's been charged with alcohol abuse. Child abuse is on the increase in this country. The youngsters started hurling abuse at the elderly lady.

nadużycie; wykorzystywanie; nadużywać

appeal against /v/

an appeal to The European Court of Human Rights


arson /n/

The building was destroyed in an arson attack.


assassination /n/

There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the assassination of John Kennedy. .


assault /n/, /v/

In this area there have been several assaults on police officers. If you assault a police officer on duty, the punishment can be really harsh.


blackmail /n/ , /v/

There's no way I can give in to your demands. It's pure blackmail! She tried to blackmail his with some photos of him and his lover.


bribe /n/, /v/

The doctor is said to have accepted a bribe before a difficult procedure.. He tried to bribe a public official to sell his the licence.

łapówka; przekupić

burglary /n/

There are a lot of burglaries in this part of the town.


capital punishment /n/

Capital punishment is morally wrong - killing is unacceptable in all circumstances.

kara śmierci

community service /n/

a community service order

prace społeczne

corporal punishment /n/

Many people believe that corporal punishment is intrinsically evil.

kara cielesna

court (of law) /n/

You would have to prove all this in a court of law.


court ruling /n/

The company decided to appeal against the court ruling.

wyrok sądu

criminal /n/

The police describe him as a hardened criminal.


death penalty /n/

Death penalty is morally wrong - killing is unacceptable in all circumstances.

kara śmierci

defendant /n/

The defendant has been found not guilty.


drug dealing /n/

The police have been trying to crack down on drug dealing in our city.

handel narkotykami

drunk-driving /n/

He was charged with drunk-driving and, eventually, he lost his driving licence.

prowadzenie samochodu po pijanemu

evidence /n/

There is no evidence for these claims.

materiał dowodowy

fine /n/

I owe the city 200$ in parking fines.


fraud /n/

He was found guilty of credit card fraud. They were all exposed as a bunch of tricksters and frauds.


guilty of /adj/

He was guilty of selling the information to the papers.


hijacking /n/

The airport authorities have introduced some measures to prevent hijacking.

uprowadzenie samolotu, pociągu itp..

hold-up /n/

There was a bank hold-up yesterday.


imprisonment /n/

He was sentenced to two months' imprisonment.

kara więzienia

innocent /adj/

The court found him innocent and he was released.


judge /n/

a High Court Judge


jury /n/

a trial by jury

ława przysięgłych

kidnapping /n/

the recent kidnapping of a little girl


lawsuit /n/

He filed a lawsuit against the state.


lawyer /n/

She has consulted a lawyer and she may sue him.


life imprisonment /n/

The only sentence for murder in the UK is life imprisonment.


manslaughter /n/

The defendant was found guilty of manslaughter but not of murder.


mugging /n/

She was the victim of a brutal mugging.


murder /n/ ,/v/

a brutal murder of a little girl. He was accused of murdering his wife.

morderstwo; zamordować

offence /n/

the new offence of phishing

wykroczenie; przestępstwo

parking ticket /n/

When I found another parking ticket tucked under the windscreen wiper, I was furious.

mandat za złe parkowanie

pickpocketing /n/

Pick-pocketing is on the increase

kradzież kieszonkowa

plainfiff /n/

In a criminal case, the plaintiff is the state.


prison /n/

a prison sentence


prosecutor /n/

The prosecutor rose to give the opening address.


rape /n/

Rape victims are usually don't want to talk about what happened to them.


robbery /n/

He was found guilty of armed robbery and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.


sentence /n/

a three-year sentence for fraud


shoplifting /n/

She had been accused of shoplifting in a supermarket.

kradzież w sklepie

smuggling /n/

drug smuggling


testify /v/

He testified against his own mother.


theft /n/

Credit card theft is on the increase.


to adjourn a case/trail /v/

The court adjourned the trial until February 2nd.

odroczyć proces

to be acquitted

The defendant was acquitted.

zostać uniewinnionym

to commit a crime

People who commit crime end up in jail.

popełnić przestępstwo

to convict sb of sth /v/

She was convicted of vandalism.

uznać kogoś za winnego

to find sb guilty of a crime

She was found guilty of murder.

uznać kogoś za winnego

to plead guilty

He pleaded guilty to two charges of assault.

przyznać się do winy

to steal /v/

They stole money from their parents.


to sue sb /v/

I sued for breach of contract.

pozwać kogoś

trial /n/

The editor had to stand trial for libel.

proces sądowy

vandalism /n/

The building is under surveillance to reduce vandalism and theft.


verdict /n/

The verdict was "not guilty".

orzeczenie sądu o winie

wheel clamp /n/

Police officers and traffic wardens have the authority to put wheel clamps on vehicles that are parked illegally.

blokada na koła

witness /n/

She was an eye witness to the murder


young offenders' institution

In many ways young offender institutions are different to other prisons.

zakład poprawczy

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