a large company that has offices, factories and business activities in many different countries


to discuss something in order to reach an agreement


official discussion between groups who are trying to reach an agreement


an activity in which you meet with other people involved in the same kind of work in order to share information, help each other, etc.


someone who takes part in official discussions, especially in business or politics, in order to try and reach an agreement


the use if studies of the brain to help improve people's ability to lead other people, especially in business


businesses that are not considered the main or most important part of a company's business and that do not make the most income for the company

non-core business

while working, or at work


if a person or organisation operates a business, system, etc., they manage it and make it work


a company's normal activities related to providing services or producing goods, rather than other actions with financial effects, such as selling assets


someone who works a machine or piece of equipment


a person or company that operates a particular business


the final result of a process, meeting, discussion, etc. = result


a shop, company or organisation through which products are sold


to be sold in larger quantities than another product of the same type


its products have on them the name of the shop that is selling them, rather than the producer's name

own-brand albo AmE = store-brand

a company that works with another company in a particular activity, or invests in the same activity


someone who starts a new business with someone else by investing in it


someone you do a particular activity with


a relationship between two people, organisations, or countries that work together


the situation of working together in business


if a product, business, etc. performs well or badly, it makes a lot of money or very little money


to do work, carry out a duty, task, etc.


to do something to entertain people, for example by acting a play or playing a piece of music


the way that someone does their job, and how well they do it


the degree to which a company, investment, financial market, etc. is profitable


something, in addition to money, that you get for doing your job, such as a car


a careful examination of a market, in wich political, economic, social and technological matters are considered

PEST analysis - political, econoMIC, social and technological analysis

a test that is done to see if an idea, product, etc. will be successful


to persuade someone to buy something, do something, or agree with a particular idea


the things someone says in order to persuade someone to buy something, do something or agree with a particular idea


a course of action that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, business, or other organisation


a course of action that has been officially agreed and chosen by a business or other organisation

company policy

a website that helps you find other websites, or the website that you go to first in order to get to other content


formal a job = post


the place where someone or something is or should be, especially in relation to other objects and places


if a company positions itself or a product in a particular way, tries to get people to think about it in that way, especially in comparison to other businesses or products


formal a job, especially an important or well-paid one

post = position

the work of persuading people to have a good opinion of an organisation, company, etc.

PR - public relations

relating to a system's ability to use information about what is likely to happen next


the prices of a company's products or services in relation to each other and in relation to those of their competitors, and the activity of setting them


to put several tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that the most important ones are done first

prioritise also proritize in AmE

the activity of finding answers to problems or a good way of doing something difficult


a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way


a series of actions taken to perform a particular task or achieve a particular result


a method of making or producing goods


something useful and intended to be sold that comes from nature or is made in a factory


a service


the work of planning and making a new product, including how it works, what it looks like, etc.

product design

when new or better products are designed and developed, or the new or better product itself

product innovation

a type of product that a company makes or sells that has several different sizes, models, etc. = range

product line

a form of advertising in which a company arranges for one or more of its products to appear in a television programme or film

product placement

the process of making or growing things to be sold as products, usually in large quantities


an amount of something that is produced


producing or achieving something


the rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced in relation to work, time and money needed to produce them


a short description of someone or something, giving the most important details about them


money that you gain from selling something, or from doing business in a particular period of time, after taking away costs


to gain money from an event, selling something etc.


producing a profit


the person whose job it is to plan how a particular piece of work will be done and organise all the people and tasks to do it

project manager

to help something develop, grow, become more successful, etc. or encourage something to happen


to try hard to sell a product or service by avertising it widely, reducing its price, etc.


to give someone a better-paid, more responsible job in a company or organisation


a move to a more important job or position in a company or organisation


an activity such as special advertisements or free gifts intended to sell a product or service

sales promotion

Strona 158 kolokwium 21.01.2021
Języki - angielski (poziom średnio zaawansowany)