not having the skill or ability to do a job properly


to become larger in amount, number or degree, or to make something become larger


the introduction and training of someone into new job


money borrowed from a bank, financial institution, person, etc. on which interest is usually paid to the lender until the loan is repaid


the arrangements that are needed for goods, materials, equipment and people to be in the right place at the right time


businesses that produce a particular type of thing or provide a particular service


a design or way of writing its name that a company or organisation uses as its official sign on its products. advertising, etc.


a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services, or the rate at which prices increase


the quality of preferring the same brand or shops and using them regularly


the process of having an effect on the way something happens or the way someone does something


a new idea, method or invention


a card given by a shop or company that gives regular customers lower prices, money back on goods, etc.

loyalty card

the introduction of new ideas or methods


a company that makes large quantities of goods, usually in factories


an innovative product, method, process, etc. is new, different and better than those that existed before


the process or business of producing goods in factories


using or developing new and original ideas and methods


adj. happening or done within a large shop or store


the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it, or between the cost of producing all of a company's products or services and the total sum they are sold for

margin = also profit margin

a job that lasts for a short time, that someone, especially a student, does in order to gain experience


a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions to find out whether they are suitable for a job


an occasion when someone is asked questions about their views or actions on television, for a newspaper, etc.


the activity of buying and selling goods or services, or the value of the goods or services sold


a particular country, area or group of people to which company sells or hopes to sell its goods or services


to ask someone questions in a formal meeting in order to find out if they are suitable for a job


the number of people who want to buy something


to ask someone, for example a politician, questions about the views or actions on television, for a newspaper, etc.


country that is in the process of developing its industries, businesses and financial systems

emerging market

to buy shares, bonds, property, etc. in order to make a profit


to spend money on things that will make a business more succesful and profitable


a country, area or group of people anywhere in the world, to which a company sells or hopes to sell its goods or services

global market

an increase in demand within a particular country, area or group of people for a product or service

market growth

a business activity that involves collecting information about what goods people in a particular area buy, why they buy them, etc.

market research

the percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has

market share

when money is put into a business in order to make it more succesful and profitable, or the money that is put into a business


a person or organisation that invest money in order to make a profit


a document sent by a seller to a customer with details of goods or services that have been provided, their price and the payment date


the process of preparing and sending an invoice


a study of the state of a particular market, showing competitors sales, buyers intentions, etc.

market survey

someone who is looking for a job

jobseeker = job seeker = job hunter

when a label (piece of paper with information) is put on something, or the pieces of paper themselves


using or involving a lot of people, effort, money or supplies


to show or make a new product available for sale for the first time


activities to design and sell a product or service by considering buyers' wants or needs for example where and how they will buy it, how much they will be willing to pay, etc.


to start a new company


the activity of deciding how to advertise and sell a product or service that is basen on interactions with customers, for example looking at a customer's internet searches, getting feedback from customers, etc.

interactive marketing

to start a new activity or profession, usually after planning it carefully


planned series of actions that are intended to make people more aware of a product or idea, or to persuade people to but a product or service

marketing campaign

an experienced person who gives advice to less experienced people to help them in their work


a way of advertising a product or service by doing something unusual in public place

street marketing

if two or more companies, organisations, etc. merge, or if they are merged, they join together


to be in charge of something such as an important activity, a group of people or an organisation


the qualities needed in order to be a good leader


to be the first to do something, especially something good or succesful, which is likely to encourage others to do the same thing


the measured amount of something that exists at a particular time or in a particular place


if you lead a particular kind of life, that is what your life is like


the position of being the leader of a team, organisation, country, etc.


all the people or jobs within an organisation, industry, etc. that have a similar importance and responsibility


an occasion when two or more companies, organisations, etc. join together to form a larger company, etc.


someone who was born in the 1980s or 1990s and became an adult during or after the year 2000


someone's general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions


learning that involves using smartphones and small computers that you carry with you

m-learning = mobile learning

Definicje 157str
Języki - angielski (poziom podstawowy)