to agree to give someone a permanent job


adj. relating to being famous or easily recognised and considered to represent a particular idea, brand, time period, etc.


something which is used to encourage people to do something, especially to make them work harder, produce more or spend more money


to employ a person or an organisation for a short time to do a particular job for you


a person or company that pays people to work for them


a machine, piece of equipment, or method that is new and that is likely to have a strong influence on society, a field of study, etc

emerging technology

adj. done within an organisation

in-company = in-house

someone who starts a company, arranges business deals and takes risks in order to make a profit


a company that is not owned by another, larger company, and that has a small number of employees. In european countries, companies must have fewer than 250 employees to be called a medium-sized enterprise, and fewer than 50 employees to be called a small

small and medium enerprise = SME

a business that sells products or services on the internet, instead of in a shop

e-tailer = electronic retailer

connected with principles of what is right and wrong


the formal rules for polite behaviour


morally good or correct


a performance, sports competition, party, etc. at which people gather to watch or take part in something


the price at which one currency can be bought

exchange rate

an event at which people from a particular company and their guests gather together to watch or take part in something

corporate event

to become larger in size, amount or number, or to make something larger in size, amount or number


an event that is intended to advertise a product, company, brand, etc.

promotional event

when something increases or is increased in size, amount or number


special skills or knowledge in an area of work or study


when an economy becomes more successful, and there is increased economic activity, more jobs, etc.


a person, company or country that sells goods to another country


to make something bigger or longer, or to increase its range


someone who helps a group of people discuss things with each other or do something effectively


to use the same brand name for a new type of goods that is similar in some way to the original goods sold under that brand name

extend a brand

one of many things that influence or affect a situation


to go down to a lower price, level, amount, etc.

fall; past tense: fell; past participle: fallen

fashionable and often inexpensive clothing that is made quickly after being designed, and which often does not stay in the shops for a long time

fast fashion

advise, criticism, etc. about how succesful or useful something is


the management of money by countries, organisations and people


a company or business, especially one which is quite small


a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now


the purpose for which something is made or used, or the job that someone does = role


money provided to an organisation, for example in the form of loans, or grants =money given for a particular purpose


the way in which something work or operates, or the way in which it is used


to get or achieve something important or valuable, usually by working very hard


including and considering all the parts of a situation, together rather than the individual parts separately


to gradually get more of a useful or valuable quality, skill, etc.


affectingor involving the whole world


to manage to enter a place, building or organisation

gain access/admittance

if a company or industry DO IT, it starts doing business all over the world

go global

things that are produced in order to be used or sold


a group that has been formed to do a particular job or function of the government

government organisation

to increase in amount, size or degree

grow; grew; grown

an increase in size, amount or degree


if you grow a business activity, you make it bigger

grow; grew; grown

a formal written promise to repair or replace a product, if it has a fault, within a specific period of time after you buy it


rules or instructions about the best way to do something


the actions involved in supplying goods to shops and companies after they have been produced for example moving, storing and selling the goods


the head office of an organisation


if an economy, industry or business activity expands, it gets bigger or more succesful


the activity of protecting employees from illness or injury at work

health and safety

a person or business responsible for supplying goods to shops and companies after they have been produced


an organisation or structure in which the staff are organised in levels and the people at one level have authority over those below them


an extremely successful person, organisation, etc.

high flyer

a country that is in the process of developing its industries, businesses and financial systems

emerging market

the practice of buying and selling goods and services over the internet

e-commerce = e-business = electronic commerce

trademark an organisation or structure in which teams and individuals make decisions about the work they are doing, rather than being told what to do by a manager or executive


the department in an organisation that deals with employing, training and helping employees

human resources HR

adj. in an early state of development


the effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on someone or something


a company or business


to pay someone to work for you


Kolos 3 - strona 156
Języki - angielski (poziom podstawowy)