to supply goods to shops and companies so that they can sell them

distribute (verb) (rozprowadzać)

someone whose job is to help people to plan their careers

career coach

the process of helping someone prepare what they should say or do in a particular situtation

coaching (douczanie?)

a reduction in the cost of goods or services in relation to the normal cost


when two people or groups no longer understand or have a relationship with each other


a supermarket that sells food and other goods at a lower price than other supermarkets

discount supermarket (supermarket ze zniżkami)

a vehicle such as a truck or van, used for taking goods from one place to another

commercial vehicle (pojazd użytkowy)

an amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods, shares, bonds, etc. they have sold

commission (prowizja)

a shop that sells goods at a lower price than other shops of the same type

discount retailer (obniżka i detalista)

a number of shops owned or managed by the same company or person that sells goods at lower prices than other shops of the same type

discount chain

the process of improving the skills and abilities of employees, so that they can perform their work well and meet the needs of the company

learning and development

the process in which you continue to learn skills and gain knowledge and experience while you are working in a job

continuing professional development

the growth or improvement of something, so that it becomes bigger or more advanced


to cause something to lose its importance or value


a person who buys goods, products and services for their own use, not for business use or to resell

consumer (noun)

an amount paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed

compensation (odszkodowanie)

the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organisation or activity

commitment (zaangażowanie)

a long period of time during which there is very little business activity and a lot of people do not have jobs

depression (economic depression) KRYZYS

having enough skill, knowledge, or ability to do something to a satisfactory standard

competent (adjective)

one of the parts of a large organisation, such as a company or university, where people do a particular kind of work


a part of the population that are a similar age

age demographic

a large shop that is divided into separate departments (=sections), each selling a different type of goods

department store

an organised event in which poeple or teams compete against each other


a part of the population that is considered as a group, especially by advertisers who want to sell things to that group


the people or groups that are competing against you, especially in business


an idea for a product


the amount of spending on goods and services by companies and people in a particular economy


a rule or idea saying how something should be done


a situation in which businesses are trying to be more succesful than others by selling more goods and services and making more profit


the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies buy in a particular period of time


agreement among a group of people


the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies would buy if they were available


when companies combine in takeovers and mergers, resulting in fewer businesses in an industry


niezmieścić się w biznesie -

go over the budget

to consider how valuable something is


dostarczyć na czas -

deliver on time

poradzić sobie z czymś -

handle something

skupić się na -

focus on

duże zmartwienie -

big threat (?)

umówić spotkanie telefoniczne -

set up a call

someone whose job is to give people or businesses advice or training in a particular area


to give part of your power or work to someone else, usually someone in a lower position than you


the process in which you continue to learn skills and gain knowledge and experience while you are working in a job

continuing professional development

the process of making important business, political, or legal decisions


all the people who buy or use a particular product

consumer base (noun)

a formal, written agreement between two or more poeple or groups which says what each must do for the other, or must no do


if an industry or country declines, it becomes less profitable, productive, wealthy, etc.

decline (verb)

if sales, profits, production, etc. decline, they become less


when sales, profits, production, etc. become less


when an industry or country becomes less profitable, productive, wealthy, etc


a shop where you can buy food, alcohol, magazines, etc., especially one that is open for 24 hours every day

convenience store

organised in a way that moves responsibility, services, or jobs from one central group or place to different groups or places within a company, organisation, or country

decentralised (występuje w tall organisations)

relating to something that is most important to a person, company, etc.


a date by which you have to do something


(adjective) relating to a company, usually a large one, or business in general


the business that makes the most money for a company and that is considered to be its most important and central one

core business

the money that a business or an individual must regularly spend


a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job

CV (abbreviation for curriculum vitae)

a principle that you consider to be very important, and which affects all aspects of what you do

core value

a tax on a company's profits

corporate tax (also corporation tax)

the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something


when an organisation helps its customers by answering their questions and listening to their complaints, giving them advice on using a particular product or service, providing a good quality product, etc.

customer service

a letter that you send with another document or a package, explaining why it has been sent or giving extra information about it

covering letter

the department in a large organisation that deals with questions and complaints from its customers, gives advice on using the product or service it provides, etc.

customer services

a person or organisation that buys goods or services from a shop or company


a method of getting money to do something, for example make a new film or fund a project, by asking many people to give part of the money needed, often on the internet


when customers are interested in a product or company and feel that they have a connection or relationship with that company

customer engagement

someone whose job is to help someone to learn what they should say or do to be succesful in a particular situation or in their career

coach (trener)

the amount of money you have left to spend after you have paid your taxes, bills, etc.

disposable income (dochód do dyspozycji)

a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way

commitment (zobowiązanie)

the characteristics that people think a particular brand has, that are similar to human qualities, such as being fun, exciting, healthy, young, etc.

brand personality

someone, especially someone famous, whom a company pays to use their products and make people more aware of the brand, for example whether they think it is good or poor quality, cheap or expensive, fashionable or old-fashioned. etc.

brand ambassador

the use of a well-known person to advertise products

product endorsement

the introduction of a product to the market

product launch

the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand

brand image

the tendency to always buy a particular brand

brand loyalty

using an existing name on another type of product

brand stretching

how familiar people are with a brand (or its logo and slogan)

brand awareness

the title given to a product by the company that makes it

brand name

the lenght of time people continue to buy a product

product lifecycle

the set of products made by a company

product range

the best-selling product or brand in a market

market leader

customers of a similar age, income level or social group

market segment

the second best-selling product or brand in a market

market challenger

a percentage of sales a company has

market share - udział w rynku

information about what consumers want or need

market research

the degree to which people know about a particular brand

brand awareness - świadomość marki

a business activity that involves collecting information about what goods people in particular area buy, why they buy them , etc.

market research

dochód -


Produkt Krajowy Brutto -

Gross Domestic Product

eksluzywne goods are expensive and intended to appeal to people in a high social class


if a product is worth the price you pay for it

value for money

if you can trust it or depend on it it is ........

reliable - niezawodny

nie doceniać -


wahania kursów walut

currency fluctuations

the knowledge or skill necessary to do something


designed for or used by people who have a lot of money

upmarket - ekskluzywny

an agreement to become business partners


when the value of the money of a country goes up and down

currency fluctuations

think that something is less big or important that it is

underestimate - nie doceniać

show the truth about something bad


make something less strong or effective little by little


plotka -

word of mouth

Angielski str. 155 definicje na drugie kolokwium
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