brand awareness

świadomość marki; the degree to which people know a brand

brand familiarity

znajomość marki; the degree to which people know a brand

brand recognition

rozpoznawalność marki; the degree to which people know a brand

brand promise

oczekiwania wobec marki; what people expect from a brand

brand preference

preferowanie marki; when consumers like one brand more than another

brand image

wizerunek marki; all the ways thet people think about a brand

brand equity

wartość marki; the value of brand to its owners, as sometimes shown on a firm's balance sheet

brand evangelist

bardzo zaangażowany klient, który promuje markę

brand positioning

pozycjonowanie marki; emphasizing brand's characteristics and benefits in relation to other brands

brand differentation

wyróżnienie marki; disign a product in a way to distinguish it from competitors' brand

Flagship brand

flagowa marka; the most important brand owned by an organization

generic brand

marka generyczna; brand used on a variety of different products

brand stretching / extension

rozciąganie marki; when company uses an existing brand name for new types of product

Brand dilution

rozmywanie marki; making the brand less powerfull

Angielski - marketing
Języki - angielski (poziom średnio zaawansowany)