aprobować coś lub kogoś

nie: approve _ her new boyfriend

tak: approve of her new boyfriend

.: approve smth - zatwierdząć - mail was approved by council


nie: I am _.

tak: I am here, He is home at 3:30. She were back on Friday

:. I am - exist, nie - it was, tak - it was mentioned/discussed/covered


nie: black _ white

tak: black and white


nie: I read _ him

tak: I read to him. I read him a book

.: read someone - evaluate someon'es bahaviour - It's hard to read him. I can read her as a open book

dyskryminować kogoś

nie: should not be discriminated _. I feeel discriminated _.Employers often discriminate _ women.

tak: should not be discriminated againts. I feel discriminated against. Employers often discriminate against women

.: discriminating - wyrafinowany


nie: discuss _ later.

tak: Let's discuss the problem/the situation/ global warming/boys with friends

kłamać komuś

nie: Boys lie_ their mothers.

tak: Boys lie to their mothers

mieć z czymś problem

nie: You have a problem with _ legs

tak: you have a problem with your legs

.: have problem with someone -dislike - I have a problem with Steven

mneij więcej

nie: I have more _ less. I was eleven _ twelve years old

tak: I have more or less. I was eleven or twelve years old

najtrudniejszy/najważniejsze jest..

nie: The most difficult _ was crossing. The most important_ is a matter.

tak: The most difficult part was crossing. The most important thing


nie: He's devoted _ his family.

tak: He's devoted to his family. Book devoted to the history.

operować kogoś

nie: doctors operated _ the patient.

tak: Doctors operated on the patient.


nie: Inform _ that minister will be late.

tak: Teacher inform the students that would be a test. Iform you that the minister will be late.

.: inform that w trybie passive: We were informed that there would be a change.

przeprosić kogoś

nie: I apologized _ Jim.

tak: I apologized to Jim

Przypominać coś albo kogoś

nie: Joke reminds _ of a story

tak: Joke reminds me of a story.

.: Remind you father about shopping (przypomnij ojcu o zakupach). I reminded Jane to go to the store (przypomniałem Jane żeby poszła do sklepu)

słuchać czegoś lub kogoś

nie: I could have listened _ him all night

tak: I could have listened to him all night

sprzątać po

nie: Cleaning _ after my husband.

tak: Cleaning up after my husband

szpiegować kogoś

nie: Spied _ his opponents

tak: Liked to spy on his opponents.

.: spy someone, something - see someone or something: I spy a fly (widzę muchę)

szukać kogoś lub czegoś

nie: Jane searched _ her son. I'm searching _ work

tak: Jane searched for her son. I'm searching for work.


nie: She often pretended _ a mouse.

tak: She often pretended to be a mouse. She pretended to serve tea.


nie: I like dogs, horses, _ cats. I don't like dogs, horses, _ cats.

tak: I like dogs, horses and cats. I don't like dogs, horses and cats

zdradzać kogoś

nie: Mark was cheating _ his girlfriend.

tak: Mark was cheating on his girlfriend.

.: cheat someone - steal their - oszukać: The lawyer cheated old woman

Oral communication part 3 omissions
Języki - angielski (poziom zaawansowany)